Copper Sun Gallery & Journeys is a local Gallery & Adventure Provider in Q'umk'uts (Bella Coola), dedicated to authentic Nuxalk products & experiences.
The Copper Sun Gallery was established in 2015 to provide a venue for Nuxalk artists to sell and receive fair prices for their work.
Located in Nuxalkulmc on the Central Coast in beautiful Bella Coola the Copper Sun Gallery carries locally-made, handcrafted Nuxalk works. When in town take a look around our Gallery and schedule a Guided Excursion. 24 hour notice is appreciated for our guided excursions.
Come See Us!
WE're Here To Help
Copper Sun Gallery & Journeys is a local Gallery & Adventure Provider
in Q'umk'uts (Bella Coola), dedicated to authentic
Nuxalk products & experiences.
The Copper Sun Gallery was established to provide a venue
for Nuxalkmc artists to sell and receive fair prices for their work.
Located in Nuxalkulmc on the Central Coast in beautiful Bella Coola
the Copper Sun Gallery carries locally-made, handcrafted Nuxalk works.
When in town take a look around our Gallery and schedule a Guided Excursion.
24 hour notice is appreciated for our guided excursions.